Update #17

Change of plan, with MOAB fast approaching, it occured to me that I am no where near complete in my army painting.  Thus the new plan; get a legal 1250 point list painted asap.  It won’t be overly competitive, but should be fun, and playing 10 games in 3 days against different people can’t hurt my learning curve 🙂

 So, time for some big point minis to hit the painting table.  #1 the Wraithlord, his smaller cousins squad will get finished off next.

wlord_rightfront.jpg wlord_rear.jpg

A choice of 2 photos for the remaining profile, one washed out with a flash, the other hidden in shadow.  The trusth is there, somewhere in between ……….

wlord_frontleftwithflash.jpg  wlord_frontleft.jpg

 And finally, a shot for scale – and because I wanted another photo of this guy – pretty happy with the result 🙂


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