Flyrant done…

Used some winged nightmare wings from GW, and fashioned some twin linked Devourers from leftover bits of gaunts

… after the typical slop-happy paint job

Then I gave him a good old coat of wattyl walnut and coloured/flocked the base … and a coating of Dull Coat

2 Responses to “Flyrant done…”

  1. Sam says:

    Hi there,

    I found your blog while googling “Watyl Stain Varnish (Walnut)”. As you might have guessed, I plan to use it to dip my Warhammer 40k models.

    I tried to find the product on their website but none has the exact same name; the closest being Wattyl Weathergard 2 in 1 Decking Stain and Varnish, which I doubt is the correct one.

    Can you please point out to me which “Wattyl Stain Varnish (Walnut)” I can use to dip my models?



  2. lachlan says:

    Sorry for no reply 🙂 Wasn’t monitoring my comments!

    Its ‘Stain and Varnish’. I picked it up from bunnings.
