Archive for June, 2008

Update #15

Monday, June 23rd, 2008

It’s been a busy month!

All my vehicles (for modelling purposes, this includes jetbikes) have been re-based to the original Citadel perspex provided – sort of.  I added some texture, weight and interest, but the size and raw materials are now 5th Ed rule compliant.  No photos at this stage of the additional effort for most of that yet, because I am lazy.

This also meant the display board needed modification, both to accept the new bases, and to fit an additional 15 minis (Hello Wraithwall!!).  I will take a shot of the board when the wraithguard and extra warp spiders are assembled.

In new painting progress, I have finished the Falcon and Vyper.  Pretty happy with them both.  The Falcon in particular.  I think it turned out a lot better than the wave serpent (I was significantly more patient with my highlights, and it shows).

Pics below.

 falcon.JPG vyper.JPG