Update #32

Shadowseer attempt #1 concluded with me spraying the mini with oven cleaner.  Take 2 will commence shortly!

In the interim, I decided an easier job was required to ensure I kept up some momentum.  Hence I decided to punch out half a Guardian Defender squad.

7.5 hours all up including prep and clean time for brushes / air brush.  Since I generally don’t have time to sit and paint for long periods, this means the actual painting time here is probably close to 6 hours.  The blue is alot lighter than the first squad I did several (read many) years ago.  I also left the shoulders white, I figured this would help in terms of squad identification.  The eyes I butchered – too much drying retarder in the yellow paint, and a bit too think, thus it ran out of the socket in some of them.  Could have cleaned that up – but hey, its a basic troop squad, so good enough!


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