Update #33

Shadowseer WIP.  I have still not had a close look at the photo, but I’m cautiously going to say its my best checker yet.  Hard to tell in the photo, but I am also really happy with the highlighting on the metallic.


The green cowl and sash have been base coated only.  Next steps:

  1. Air brush highlight the green sash and cowl (thank you silly putty!)
  2. checkers to the cowl and sash (sparse and dark grey fade only)
  3. candy cane like stripes to the staff
  4. silver checker to the metal pipes
  5. paint base
  6. gloss varnish, oil wash
  7. matt varnish
  8. gloss varnish to metals and gems (brush)
  9. assemble!

The checker success (or lack of) will determine the remaining time, hopefully get it finished in a couple of weeks.

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